abc Award, the World of Mobility
AMAG was founded in 1945 by Walter Haefner. The company is a Swiss car importer and dealer for Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda, Cupra and Seat. Now, 75 years later, The AMAG and its over 5,600 employees passionately ensure that clients are well on their way. To celebrate these 75 years of commitment to ensure mobility, Heads designed the AMAG’s chronicle.
The volume contains essays, as well as articles exploring the history and significance of AMAG. The AMAG chronicle was awarded with the abc Award, Best of Best ’21.
Client #AMAG / Date #2021 / Category #Awards #Editorial / Branding Agency #Heads / Designers Marco Simonetti, Roman von Arx / Photographers Nicolas Bruni, Simon Iannelli, Gabriele Putzu, Renderings Volkswagen, Janifest, Joyfull, Petkov, Kosta Klimenko, Flydragon, Ishan Izrus, Archivmaterial AMAG Group / Consultants Natascha Almeida, Ralph Hermann Award abc Award, Best of Best 21
Design Direction Marco Simonetti @Heads Corporate Branding
abc Award, the World of Mobility
For the anniversary, AMAG organized a special Porsche event that showed, since its founding, over seventy sports cars. This is now available in a book “70 Years – 70 Icons”.
We designed a detailed book that captures seventy years of car-making history as one of the world’s leading automotive companies. The Porsche Book was awarded with the abc Award, Best of Best ’21.
Client #AMAG / Date #2021 / Category #Awards #Editorial / Branding Agency #Heads / Designers Marco Simonetti, Roman von Arx / Photographers Bruno von Rotz, Markus Leser / Consultant Ralph Hermann Award abc Award, Best of Best 21
Design Direction Marco Simonetti @Heads Corporate Branding
Nomination Swiss Award® Corporate Communication and Xaver Award
The AMAG Group and its approximately 5,600 employees passionately ensure that their clients are well on their way to success. The individual’s wishes and dreams about mobility fascinate them. Their motivation is to fulfill this attitude, which has accompanied AMAG ever since the beginning of the company.
Heads developed the identity and formulated the brand promise that is defined by a realistic core understanding of the brand, relevant to the customer, determined by customer surveys, and sustainably differentiates itself against its competitors. The AMAG identity was awarded with the Xaver Special Award and nominated for the Swiss Award® Corporate Communication.
Client AMAG / Date #2014 / Category #Awards #Branding / Branding Agency #Heads / Web Agency Namics / Event Agency Merz+Partners / Designers Marco Simonetti, Pablo Burkhalter, Sonja Huster / Illustrators Sandra Niemann, Marco Simonetti / Photographers Adrian+Alexis (BMR Fotografen), Simon Iannelli / Film Producer Stephan Christen / Film Director Stephan Usteri / Consultants Katrin Schmid, Ralph Hermann, Kristina Brunner, Ursina Grimm, Olivia Neubauer / Awards Xaver Award, Swiss Award Corporate Communication (Nomination)
Design Direction Marco Simonetti @Heads Corporate Branding
2009 / 2011
Reddot Design Award and Nomination Design Preis Deutschland
Namics is a full-service agency and leading provider for business and online communication. They offer comprehensive solutions and services all along their customers’ value chain, and they help clients reach their business goals and maintain a strong Internet presence.
We translated the Namics employees’ high degree of co-determination into a radical new corporate design concept. Employees can submit keywords via various channels that will contribute to a dynamic word brand that forms the company logo. Through participation the identity reflects their company’s culture and each employee makes the company unique. The Namics identity was awarded with the Reddot Design Award and was nominated for the Design Preis Deutschland.
Client Namics / Date #2009 #2011 / Category #Awards #Publications #Branding / Branding Agency #Heads / Designers Marco Simonetti, Donovan Szypura / Photographers Marco Simonetti, Warren Frank, iStockphoto, Kevin Jean, Eyelab Consultants Ralph Hermann, Mike Stillhard / Awards Reddot Design Award Winner, Design Preis Deutschland (Nomination) / Publication International Yearbook Communication Design Red Dot Award 2009/10 (Peter Zec)
Design Direction Marco Simonetti @Heads Corporate Branding
Nomination Swiss Award® Corporate Communication
The University of Zurich (UZH) is the largest university in Switzerland. Founded in 1833 as the first university in Europe by a democratic political system, today UZH is one of the foremost universities in the German-speaking world. Seven facilities offer a variety of study opportunities at the bachelor, master, and PhD levels. The University of Zurich with its numerous institutes and museums wanted to celebrate their 175th anniversary under the common motto “Sharing Knowledge”.
The UZH commissioned us to develop an anniversary brand identity. The newly created identity worked in all applications necessary for the anniversary and communicated the interdisciplinary interaction of the university. An extensive brand guideline enabled the university to present its wide variety in a standardized way. The anniversary identity was nominated for the Swiss Award® Corporate Communication.
Client University of Zurich / Date #2009 / Category #Awards #Branding / Branding Agency #Heads / Designers Marco Simonetti, Donovan Szypura / Photographers Digital Vision, iStock, Marco Simonetti / Consultants Ralph Hermann, Mike Stillhard, Nadia Francioso / Award Swiss Award Corporate Communication (Nomination)
Design Direction Marco Simonetti @Heads Corporate Branding
Nomination Effi Award for Swiss Re
In 30 countries, more than 8,000 employees of Swiss Re are to become engaged with a revised corporate philosophy. A continuous agenda setting guarantees that the mission statement does not remain a mere declaration of intent, as a multi-level interactive program keeps the topic current. The employees of Swiss Re are to be motivated to experience the core values of the company in their everyday work life.
The poster campaign showed that dealing with the company’s core values can lead to different conclusions. At the center, the employee stands as an individual personality who applies these values. The poster campaign was nominated for the Effi Award.
Client Swiss Re / Date #2005 / Category #Awards #Publications #Graphics / Branding Agency #Heads / Designers Marco Simonetti, Donovan Szypura / Photographer Tom Haller / Consultants Ralph Hermann, Nadia Francioso / Awards Effi Award (Nomination) / Publication Effi06 (Persönlich)
Design Direction Marco Simonetti @Heads Corporate Branding