Music Cassette Inlay Design
Before high-speed Internet connections became commonplace in households, the acquisition of unofficial music recordings was usually done through the trade in physical copies, and London’s Camden Market or Portobello Road was once a hotspot of selling such bootleg recordings; a scene that only expanded all over Europe. Some had nice inlays featuring artwork or band photos photocopied onto colored paper. In the 80s, the favorite equipment was a Sony Walkman D6C with noise reduction. We presume some guys were into bootlegging in a big way, but we never got involved in any of that. Instead, we started designing inlays and experimented with photocopiers to create amazing design layouts of our favorite bands.
Client Some gangsters that you wouldn’t want to ask about / Date #1984 / Category #Graphics / Design Studio #Soulengineer / Designers Marco Simonetti and friends / Photographers ant_art, Iconscout, Julianna_Millon, Sharpner, studiostoks, pingvin121674, moreno.soppelsa, Krisdog, Gerat8th, everett225, Inhabitant, georgios, lighthouse, ivantcovlad, happystock, vkarafill / Disclaimer Unofficial gig recordings were not made nor distributed by Soulengineer. We do not own or store any recordings. Designs were just made for fun and for free.
Design Direction Marco Simonetti @Soulengineer