Bubmag Magazine Online Edition


Bubmag Magazine Online Edition

The digital form of the magazine consists of a website and a progressive web app (PWA). Similar to the analog magazine, the topics are teased with photos and linked to the corresponding text contributions. QR codes and markers of the physical magazine can be scanned through the integrated scan app, which can be found under the navigation, or directly through the photo app of the smartphone. The corresponding links lead to the thematic text contributions or the VR/AR contents. A specific search algorithm continuously generates dynamic text content. The source is NewsAPI.org information platform. Virtual Reality (VR) video content is streamed directly from YouTube, and the A-Frame framework builds augmented Reality (AR) content.

The physical magazine consists exclusively of predefined photos supported by hashtags. QR codes are also used, which store the corresponding subject areas as web links and enable the playback of VR videos, to connect the analog and digital world.

Client  #Bubmag / Date #2019 / Category #Digital #Exhibitions / Design Lab #Soulengineer / Web Developer Prismalogix / Designer Marco Simonetti / Photographers Scanrail, viktoriagam, iggy74, athos1, ablakat, Shaiith79, Imagix, liorpt, palinchak, emilymwilson@comcast.net, razvanphoto, Nyker, cheekylorns2, dimaberkut, radekprocyk, radekprocyk, Alex_Ishchenko, BalkansCat, ookelma, alfribeiro, mazzzur, neilld, frizio, maxoidos, AlexGukBO, jannystockphoto, Vietbox, ifeelstock, czuber, modfos, vincentstthomas, AnjoKanFotografie, lucidwaters, fnalphotos, lusia83, Foto-VDW, harveysart, palinchak, heekylorns2, pkproject, adekprocyk, MaykovNikita, momo11353@hotmail.com, hskoken, littleny, mathias_berlin, sunsinger, davidtran07, Balakate, kjorgen, thelefty, toxawww, giggswalk, zhukovsky, avmedved, panomja7@gmail.com, flydragon, elenarostunova, aapsky, mcdonojj, pwollinga, bluebe, lusia83, olegbreslavtsev, lspencer, josekube, woodkern, Belish, cowardlion, 360ber, AndreyKr, fotogenix, Aksakal, johny007pandp, nikkytok, Mirage3, patrick.daxenbichler, opturadesign, hany_musallam@hotmail.com, neilld, possum, wsintapanon.hotmail.com, nikkytok, Gudkovandrey, proxodimec, frizio, vampy1, Anton_Petrus, actionsports, m.iacobucci.tiscali.it, sergasx, JJFarquitectos, keleny, genious2000de, wjarek, pal2iyawit, uynamedjames, Johann, bettorodrigues, pio3, 1000Words, SherryVSmith, cozyta, jag_cz, Lazyllama, AnjoKanFotografie, jackq, liorpt, loes.kieboom, dimaberkut, razvanphoto, homank76, ikurucan, elenarostunova, maxoidos, bbc001_clashot, askoldsb, Scharfsinn, fnalphotos, MichaelFitzsimmons, Lukassek, bettorodrigues, v.dushenkovsky, phil_bird, Astrelok, Corepics (Deposiphotos, Unsplash), Event Horizon Telescope (ESO: CC BY 4.0), Anders Hellberg (Wikipedia: CC BY-SA 4.0) / Stocktrek Images (Alamy Stock Photo), Jason Kempin Photography / Consultant Marco Simonetti

Design Direction Marco Simonetti @Soulengineer

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