Concept for Cesary Bar

Cesary Bar

Design Concept for Cesary Bar e Piadina

When the brothers Cesary asked us to design their bar in Bern, we were well aware that this would be an unusual project. As a large number of typical Italian bars already existed in Bern, we needed to design a bar that didn’t comply with this stereotype but still had that recognizable Italian flair. We achieved this by ignoring anything reminiscent of Italianità and developing an entirely separate style. A nostalgic Italian ambience was created using historic black-and-white family photographs, which emphasize not only the identity of the bar but also its authenticity. Graphic elements, such as the logo and color highlights, rounded off this concept to make for a truly unique brand identity.

Client Cesary / Date #2004 / Category #Design / Design Studio #Komamako / Designers Marco Simonetti, Kosta Stathakis, Igor di Zio / Consultants Marco Simonetti, Kosta Stathakis

Design Direction Marco Simonetti, Kosta Stathakis @Komamako

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