Corporate Design for UZH Foundation
We developed a brand identity, using the emblem of the University of Zurich that helps the foundation have better awareness and better confidence. The visual identity uses appropriate imagery along with two new fonts, Fontsmith’s “Lola” and the serif font “Leitura News”. For the yearly report’s cover, we generated a word cloud with thematically relevant terms. The project also included a website providing additional information for donors.
The UZH Foundation seeks donations and requests from private individuals, foundations, and companies to achieve its fundamental goal of promoting excellence at the University of Zurich. Donations to the UZH Foundation accelerate the progress made in research and education, bringing benefits to society at large.
Client UZH Foundation / Date #2012 / Category #Branding / Branding Agency #Heads / Designers Marco Simonetti, Pablo Burkhalter / Photographers Ursula Meisser, Meinrad Schade, Frank Brüderli / Consultants Ralph Hermann, Ursina Grimm
Design Direction Marco Simonetti @Heads Corporate Branding