Moments for AMAG


Customer Experience Moments for AMAG

Mobility opens upward, creating freedom and connections with a socially and personally fulfilled life. Mobility is therefore filled with very positive emotions, which are deliberately triggered in brand communication, and AMAG’s role is to enable and guarantee this highly valued mobility.

The communication is complemented by a Swiss-wide online banner campaign in which a competition calls for the presentation of the most beautiful personal automotive moments on a microsite. People from all over Switzerland provide over 5,000 stories and thus 5,000 insights into highly emotional and personal relationship stories about the automobile. We then systematically analyzed and clustered these stories into a text analysis. The result gave us a valuable basis for the decisions regarding marketing and brand communication.

Client #AMAG / Date #2013 / Category #Digital #Awards / Branding Agency #Heads / Web Agency Namics / Designers Marco Simonetti, Pablo Burkhalter / Web Designer Mark Burow / Photographers Adrian+Alexiss (BMR Fotografen), Robert Churchill (Rawpixel) / Consultants Katrin Schmid, Ralph Hermann, Kristina Brunner, Ursina Grimm, Olivia Neubauer / Concept and Idea #Heads

Design Direction Marco Simonetti @Heads Corporate Branding


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