Demo Reel Bubmag Magazine
This concept thematizes the discourse of the analog and digital, as well as its transformation. It questions the specific aspects of our information-based society; in particular, digital influence and manipulation through information. The implementation of this concept enables access to a diverse array of information on current topics, and it allows for a wide variety of opinions and perspectives, seeing itself as a counterpart to the process of selective exposure.
As a physical and digital product, Bubmag magazine is available in both digital and print forms, and thus complements itself to a symbiotic system. The curated images accompanying the specific topics serve as emotional catalysts, and the linked texts are algorithmically generated from aggregated information from various sources. Technology acts as the link between the analog and the digital. This demo reel visually summarizes the concept of Bubmag.
Client #Bubmag / Date #2019 / Category #Motion #Exhibition / Design Lab #Soulengineer / Editor Marco Simonetti / Designer Marco Simonetti / Photographers Lucrezia Carnelos, William Henry Fox Talbot (British Library), News Images / Sound Windyhill Consultant Marco Simonetti
Design Direction Marco Simonetti @Soulengineer