Design Refresh for Edition/Heads
We redesigned the Edition/Heads’ logo by replacing the underscore with a slash sign and using a new font in uppercase. This oblique slanting line punctuation mark captures the exclusive uniqueness and reproducibility.
Edition/Heads was launched in 1986. Today, 16 original works of contemporary art have been published in irregular sequence. Curator Mike Stillhard emphasizes that the selection of artists is deliberately subjective. There is no content or formal requirement. Influence is strictly avoided. The only predetermined restrictions are costs, completion by an agreed-upon date, and the serial feasibility of 81 copies of the artwork.
Client Edition/Heads / Date #2019 / Category #Branding / Design Studio #MarcoMario / Designer Marco Simonetti / Photographer rawpixel Consultant Marco Simonetti
Design Direction Marco Simonetti @MarcoMario