Invaders Table

Invaders Table
Invaders Table
Invaders Table
Invaders Table
Invaders Table
Invaders Table
Invaders Table
Invaders Table
Invaders Table


Invaders Table

Inspired by the old school arcade game Space Invaders, we developed a table with an asymmetric shape, defined by its challenging functionality and geometric aesthetic. The Space Invaders table serves as a working table for two workstations and multiple tables can be arranged and docked together for optimal working space. We created a table that is durable and affordable and is engineered using environmentally recyclable materials.

Client Komamako / Date #2004 / Category #Design / Design Studio #Komamako / Designer Marco Simonetti / 3D Designer Marco Simonetti / Consultant Marco Simonetti

Design Direction Marco Simonetti @Komamako

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