Label Design for Premium Prosecco Libellula


Prosecco Libellula

Label Design for Premium Prosecco Libellula

Winegrowing has been practiced in Valdobbiadene since ancient times. Valdobbiadene Prosecco is a sparkling wine produced exclusively in the hills of Valdobbiadene from the Glera grape, and Antonio Simonetti is best known for his innovative and unconventional approach to winemaking. In the conviction to point out important environmental changes, he challenged us to elaborate on a concept that takes these bioindicators into account. After researching the topic, we created an iconic visual displaying a dragonfly “Libellula”. We choose a dragonfly due to their sensitivity to environmental changes and their importance to the ecosystem.

Client Antonio Simonetti  / Date #2012 / Category #Design / Design Studio #Komamako / Designer Marco Simonetti  / Illustrator Any Rama /  Consultant Marco Simonetti

Design Direction Marco Simonetti @Komamako

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