Martin Sitftung Website

Martin Stiftung
Martin Stiftung

Martin Stiftung

Martin Stiftung Website

At the same time as the identity project, we developed the website using the newly designed visual identity. This redesign included a rework of the structure and implementing the revised content. In addition to the website, we designed a small online shop using “Shopify”, a cloud-based ecommerce solution. The majority of their products comes from their own production and are manufactured by the residents of Martin Stiftung.

Client Martin Stiftung / Date #2012 / Category #Digital / Branding Agency #Heads / Web Developer Prismalogix / Designer Marco Simonetti / Photographers Marco Simonetti, Tm.woRK photography / Consultants Ralph Hermann, Kristina Brunner

Design Direction Marco Simonetti @Heads Corporate Branding

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