Movon Brand Identity


Brand Identity for Movon

As a subsidiary of AMAG Leasing AG, Movon offers leasing transactions for fleet customers and fleet services from a single source. Through synergies with the parent company’s trading network and AMAG’s business units as partners (including Helion, Volton, Clyde, allride and mobilog), business customers are offered innovative and sustainable complete solutions.

The dynamism and progressiveness suggested in the name and is also reflected in the design. The accent arc in the logo signals movement and underscores the significant pronunciation. With a warm, energetic visual aesthetic, Movon presents itself as a holistic, innovative partner in the fleet leasing business for SMEs and large companies. The luminous reflex blue brand color completes the visual appearance.

Client Movon / Date #2023 / Category #Branding / Branding Agency #Heads / Designers Marco Simonetti, Noah Baumann, Dominique Kaiser, Roman von Arx / Photographers Rawpixel, Jenny Uberberg, Jonathan Borba, Kaelgin, Karsten Wurth, Lili Kovac, Marc Sendra Martorell, Maxim Hopman, Patrick Fore, Samuel Ferrara, Vlad, Tchompalov / Consultants Sina Frank, Ralph Hermann Design

Design Direction Marco Simonetti @Heads Corporate Branding

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