MSDirect Brochure



MSDirect Brochure

MSDirect is a full-service provider for customer relationship management, customer services, direct marketing, and e-commerce solutions.

Exploring the idea of customer relationships and passionate engagement, we developed a brochure that used the pre-defined brand guidelines. The color scheme is friendly and accessible, using red and blue tones, with readable black. This image brochure needed to be more than a simple information brochure; it had to present strengths and values of the company.

Client MSDirect / Date #2015 / Category #Editorial / Branding Agency #Heads / Designers Marco Simonetti, Roman von Arx / Photographers Simon Iannelli, Yuri Arcurs, Voyagerix, Mbbirdy / Consultants Ralph Hermann, Katrin Schmid, Ursina Grimm

Design Direction Marco Simonetti @Heads Corporate Branding

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