New Idenitiy for Association of Zurich Museums
The Association of Zurich Museums represents the interests of the participating Zurich museums and organizes joint public events, such as the “Long Night of Zurich Museums”. Its members are professionally managed museums that make relevant cultural contributions, and the purpose of this association is the joint promotion and public relations work of its members. This association plays a major role by informing museum visitors digitally about all exhibitions and events.
By reflecting on this value, we created an identity that transfers the spirit and purpose of the Zurich museums into the association’s visual identity. We designed a logotype which brings its message closer to the visitors, as well as making it more accessible and friendly. The logotype is set in FF Mark, a font that is strong and simple, designed with the utmost precision and exceptionally suitable as a text face. We played with the structure of the “U”, merging both “U” letters and centering them, creating a characteristic and friendly logotype. In addition to the visual identity, we redesigned the website and the exhibition guide. Both use the same font set, color palette, and the characteristic blue frame, which is used throughout all applications of the identity.
Client Zürcher Museen / Date #2020 / Category #Branding / Branding Agency #Heads / Designers Marco Simonetti, Vanessa Schütz, Marco Martoglio, Roman von Arx / Consultant Ralph Hermann
Design Direction Marco Simonetti @Heads Corporate Branding