SIStyle Direct Mailing


SI Style

SI Style Direct Mailing

SI Style Magazine is the largest Swiss celebrity and fashion magazine that covers everything about stars, fashion, accessories, beauty, and living.

The Ringier publishing house commissioned us with the development of a readers mailing to generate more subscriptions to SI Style. The trendy “New York” mailing, was seductively designed and offered an exclusive chance to win a shopping trip to NY, so tempting potential readers to take out a subscription. There was a good response to the mailing which resulted in many test subscriptions. Ringier therefore decided to do a second run with a tempting offer of a Jet-Set weekend in St. Tropez as the prize. The glamorous and fancy illustrations designed by Diana are an ideal vehicle to boost both campaigns.

Client SIStyle / Date #2008 / Category #Graphics / Branding Agency #Heads / Designers Marco Simonetti, Pablo Burkhalter / Illustrator Diana Heemskerk / Consultants Ralph Hermann, Nadia Francioso

Design Direction Marco Simonetti @Heads Corporate Branding

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