Solutions Magazine
Their outdated magazine “Management-Wissen in der Praxis” (management knowledge in practice), published by Solution Providers, needed to be redesigned to meet the visual expectations and information needs of the international business community. In order to reach the target audience more effectively, we developed a new layout that takes the publication out of the corporate newsletter domain and firmly into journalistic territory, which bears a similar comparison with the Economist, HBR, and WirtschaftsWoche. Given the more suitable form, the content elaborated by Solution Providers is now perceived as more credible and valuable. The redesign also included the renaming of the magazine, which now appears under the name “Solutions”.
Client Solution Providers / Date #2006 / Category #Editorial / Branding Agency #Heads / Designers Marco Simonetti, Donovan Szypura / Photographers Rodion Kutsaev, Marcelo Quinan, Robby Schlegel, Nick Yoon, NASA Consultants Ralph Hermann, Mike Stillhard, Nadia Francioso
Design Direction Marco Simonetti @Heads Corporate Branding