deligno AG Brand Design

deligno AG

Brand Design

Based in Emmental, deligno ag has its roots in a collection of specialized, long-standing sawmill businesses. Today, the company is making significant investments in innovative production methods and technologies, combining quality enhancement with resource efficiency. Simultaneously, deligno ag is redefining its corporate identity, elevating its brand to new heights. Partnering with us, the company has refined its market positioning and strengthened its appeal as an employer, creating a modern and distinctive brand identity. The refreshed corporate design reflects deligno ag’s passion and expertise, paying homage to wood as a renewable, climate-neutral resource and celebrating the people who transform it into something extraordinary.

The new logo encapsulates the journey of wood—from its natural origins to its expert processing—symbolizing deligno ag’s continuous growth through the integration of diverse skills and expertise. This commitment to growth extends to the workforce, encapsulated in the company’s new employer value proposition: “Shaping and growing with wood.” Key elements of the rebranding include the custom corporate typeface Roca and a harmonious color palette inspired by wood’s natural beauty. Walnut brown and pine green convey groundedness and connection to nature, while the bold “deligno orange” adds a fresh, modern touch reminiscent of newly sawn timber. A central visual feature of the brand is an open rectangular frame, used to draw attention to products and individuals. This element provides a distinctive design hallmark, reinforcing brand recognition. Authentic imagery showcasing the lifecycle of wood—from forest to finished product—highlights the skilled professionals behind deligno ag’s success, giving the brand a vibrant and human identity.

The rebranding coincides with the launch of deligno ag’s pioneering surface technology and EcoFix, an eco-friendly varnish. Heads Corporate Branding supported this rollout, from naming the product to developing targeted communication materials, including newsletters, brochures, sample kits, and product presentations. The launch event introduced customers and media to these innovations alongside the debut of the company’s new website, The site features optimized navigation, a refreshed design, and dynamic storytelling that brings deligno ag’s positioning and redesigned identity to life.

Client deligno AG / Date #2024 / Category #Branding / Branding Agency #Heads / Designers Marco Simonetti, Dominique Kaiser, Smilla Lindemann, Elliott Miller, Roman von Arx / Photographer Manuel Stettler / Consultants Sina Frank, Ralph Hermann

Design Direction Marco Simonetti @Heads Corporate Branding

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