Forward Mag for Namics



Forward Mag for Namics

In addition to the new identity, we created a customer magazine. We collaborated with Namics in the name-finding process and helped to structure their content. For the magazine title we used the system font Arial, which is also Namics’ preferred corporate typeface. The content of the issue focused on articles about information technology and the digital world. The Namics identity was awarded with the Reddot Design Award and nominated for the Design Preis Deutschland.

Client Namics / Date #2008 / Category #Editorial #Awards #Publications / Branding Agency #Heads / Designers Marco Simonetti, Pablo Burkhalter / Photographers Warren Frank, Eyelab, spfoto, Chris Clark, Ryan J. Lane, Kevin Jeon, Jordanchez Consultants Ralph Hermann, Mike Stillhard, Nadia Francioso

Design Direction Marco Simonetti @Heads Corporate Branding


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