Brand Design
Customize is the leading independent reseller of Abacus Business Software. Customize took its 25th anniversary as an opportunity to sharpen its own brand identity and move into the future with a new brand design.
Internal workshops and surveys showed that the ambition and dynamism of the Customize team had great potential. However, the previous brand identity felt impersonal and lacked vitality. Although Customize is a modern employer and has a very positive corporate culture, this had hardly been expressed before.
The digitalisation of business processes and the increase in productivity through innovation are driving the company forward. The striking “Cut” graphic element visually symbolises precision and a 360° perspective on customer needs. The striking Customize red creates recognition and acts as an accent colour in the design system.
The new visual concept gives the brand a vibrant, personal and human face with high differentiation power and conveys an authentic insight into the working world of Customize.
Client Customize / Date #2024 / Category #Branding / Branding Agency #Heads / Designers Marco Simonetti, Dominique Kaiser, Roman von Arx / Consultants Sina Frank, Ralph Hermann
Design Direction Marco Simonetti @Heads Corporate Branding